WHAT IS NEW IN CONSED 18.0 Speedup Speeding up removing reads Faster start up for many solexa reads Paired-end 454 Reads You supply an sff file and consed will appropriately form the paired reads, just as Newbler does. Assembly View Much faster More options Consed for MAC Consed is now much faster on Intel-based macs since there is now a native executable Recalculate consensus quality values when adding new reads Supports Solexa and 454 reads and is about 50x faster Removing all reads in a contig(s) You can do this from either the graphical interface or from a script. Fixed many bugs in consed 17 including those involved with: -nophd Joining contigs Adding Sanger reads and bringing up traces Cross_match (available separately from Consed-see below) This familiar gapped alignment tool is now so fast that it can be used as a genome search engine. For example, a million solexa reads can be searched against the entire (repeat masked) human genome in less than an hour for most desktop computers and datasets. Consed-ready ace files can be prepared in a fraction more time. Peak memory usage: 4 to 5 Gb. Reports sequence variants & confirmed segments and strength of evidence, for resequencing applications Local, Global, Semi-global, and spliced (RNAseq) alignments Flexible reporting of hits: all, single top, all top, or top if sufficiently better than others