WHAT IS NEW IN CONSED 14.0 Itanium (64-bit linux) is now available. Assembly View Sequence matches are shown, and can be used to make joins. Can show restriction digest cut sites. More probably coming on this. Tags Can be Shown. You can customize which tag types are shown. Clicking on a tag shows more information about it and displays that location in the Aligned Reads Window. Can more easily specify which contigs to show. Show Traces for All Reads If you are examining traces hundreds of reads deep, then Consed will now show you the reads in batches of 100 at a time. It will optionally not show reads that have no base at the cursor position, have no trace near the cursor position, or that have a user-specified tag at the cursor position. This helps focus on the reads you need to look at. There were some bugs with this feature--I believe they are all fixed. AutoPCRAmplify Can now be used in cases in which you only have a fasta file of the region to amplify, such as when you download the sequence from Genbank or UCSC. Now more likely to find pcr primer pairs. Can optionally use a fixed primer for one end, such as when using a transplice leader sequence. User feedback helped me improve the criteria for rejecting PCR primer pairs. Improvement for Huge Assemblies You can concatentate all of the phd files into a single file and delete the many phd files. You can type in the contig name rather than selecting it from a list--good if the list is hundreds of contigs long. You can filter which ace files you want displayed--useful if there are a huge number of ace files. Custom Data Within Tags Consed has always allowed user-defined tag types. Now Consed allows you to defined fields within user-defined tags. For example, you might define an exon tag with a field which is a pointer to a gene tag. Miniassemblies Users have found they sometimes only recognize they made a mistake after starting a miniassembly. But they couldn't stop it. Now there is a "Cancel Miniassembly" button. Autofinish To prevent Autofinish from trying to do pcr with a particular contig-end, there is now a doNotDoPCR tag that Autofinish will obey. Bugs fixed Macosx Autofinish crash Linux AutoPCRAmplify crash One caused a corrupted ace file.