Assignment: GS540 HW5 Name: {YOURNAME} Email: {YOUREMAIL} Language: {YOURLANGUAGE} Runtime: {YOURRUNTIME} Score: 82.0 Edge weights: --A = -12 --C = -12 --D = -12 --E = -12 --F = -12 . . . list all edge weights in alphabetical order (only first/last 5 shown here) . . . YYS = 3 YYT = 3 YYV = 5 YYW = 11 YYY = 21 Edge counts: --A = 8832 --C = 17664 --D = 52992 --E = 70656 --F = 44160 . . . list all the edge counts in alphabetical order (only first/last 5 shown here) . . . YYS = 48 YYT = 24 YYV = 72 YYW = 24 YYY = 60 Local alignment: KKK DLK YWY G-- LFL KVN REH IPI QRQ KPN SNS AVV FFF MVE GSG SGE LVI KKS KDE HSP AVQ LAI NQL STN LVL LVK TDY DYE LLL RLN RQK MYY VTI --R --K NPD VVI DED SSS -G- VLV IMI VLL FFF Program 1: Include your graph generating program here. Program 2: Include your local alignment program here (possibly identical to hw4).